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Energy Review for Authors
Energy Review welcomes original write-ups on issues pertaining to policies and politics of energy and climate.
Original op-ed style analysis piece meant for audience from energy sector, academia, industry and policy circles are welcome.
Articles should be written in crisp language, and must be proofread before submission.
Avoid any AI generated contents.
The preferred length of submissions is around 800- 1500 words.
Images and diagrams are permitted. Responsibility of securing relevant permissions rests with the authors.
Submissions will be accepted after it clears blind reviews. Energy Review reserves the right to edit or modify the article to meet the house style.
Energy Review does not use references list. If references are available online, authors must hyperlink the same to the relevant text in the article.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of information in the article.
Submit the articles using the link below or by directly sending to the editors.